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7 Reasons to Consider Phlebectomy

Oct 01, 2023
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If you thought you had to deal with bulging veins in your legs causing discomfort and feeling self-conscious about the appearance of your legs - think again. Here are 7 reasons to consider a phlebectomy.

Phlebectomy is a minimally invasive procedure to remove problematic varicose veins. At Houston Vein Specialists in Houston, Texas, David D. Shin, MD, RVT, RPVI, FACS, and the dedicated team perform ambulatory phlebectomy that has you back to your regular routine within 24 hours.

Here are seven reasons why you might want to consider this procedure:

1. Direct removal of varicose veins

Phlebectomy helps reduce leg symptoms caused by bulging varicose veins, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Itching
  • Swelling
  • Heaviness
  • Pigmentation
  • Burning

By removing the varicose veins from the legs, the procedure also eliminates potential future issues. Left untreated, varicose veins can lead to skin damage and leg ulcers.

2. Minimal scarring

One of the many advantages of phlebectomy is the minimal scarring. The incisions required for the procedure are so tiny they don’t require stitches and heal with barely noticeable scarring.  Dr. Shin and his team will bandage the incisions after the procedure.

3. Little to no down time 

Many people resume their regular non-strenous daily activities within 24 hours of an ambulatory phlebectomy. It is recommended that you hold off on strenuous activities for about two weeks and wear graduated compression stockings during the healing process.

While some might experience minor discomfort or swelling, these symptoms are typically temporary and manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers and compression stockings.

4. High success rate

Phlebectomy boasts a high success rate, with the vast majority of our patients experiencing significant relief from their symptoms and a noticeable improvement in the appearance of their legs.

5. Outpatient procedure

A phlebectomy at Houston Vein Specialists is an outpatient procedure that our team performs while you’re awake under local anesthesia. There is no pain during the procedure and you'll be back in the comfort of your home on the same day of the procedure.

6. Improves leg appearance

In addition to the health benefits, phlebectomy offers aesthetic advantages. For people who feel self-conscious about the appearance of varicose veins on their legs, phlebectomy helps restore a smooth and vein-free appearance to your skin.

7. Prevents further health complications

Left untreated, varicose veins can lead to more severe health issues, such as venous ulcers or blood clots. A phlebectomy can help prevent these complications, ensuring healthier legs in the long run.

While various treatments are available for varicose veins, phlebectomy remains a top choice for many people due to its effectiveness, minimal invasiveness, and quick recovery time. At Houston Vein Specialists, our expert medical team is always available to discuss your concerns and help you determine if phlebectomy is the right treatment option. Contact us today or schedule an appointment online for more information.